Mr. Fletcher

This is the spot

Posted: April 28, 2020

There is a thatquiz waiting that has mixed questions on area and perimeter.  Read each question carefully so you know what is being asked.  For area of a rectangle multiply the length and the width.  

For perimeter, add all the sides (even if they are not marked).


Posted: April 27, 2020

Grade 6 Area and Perimeter Spy guys

Interactive activity involving AREA and PERIMETER.  ***FLASH required

Posted: April 27, 2020

Grade 6: Perimeter and Area

This video describes the concepts of perimeter and area.  

You should know how to :

  • find the perimeter of any shape.  (add the length of the sides)
  • find the area of a rectangle ( multiply the length and the width)  A= L X W
  • a formula, such as A= L X W, is short efficient way to express the instructions to calculate a concept

There will be a thatquiz where you can practice finding the perimeter and area.



Posted: April 27, 2020

Grade 8:TSA of Cylinder Video

Watch this before trying the worksheet!

Happy Monday!!

A few notes for review:

  • total surface area is the amount of surface on the outside of an object.  "What amount of material would it take to cover the object.  "
  • for TSA of Rectangular Prisms you can find the area of each rectangle(6 of them) and add them up
  • for TSA of Triangular Prisms you can find the area of the 3 rectangles and the two triangles and add them up 
  • radius of a circle is the distance from the center of the circle to the outside of the circle
  • diameter of a circle is the distance from one side of the circle through the center to the other side.  It's twice the radius.
  • circumference is the distance around the outside of the circle.
  • pi = 3.14 as an approximation
  • for a right cylinder you can find the area of the 2 circles (A = pi X r X r ) * usually written as A= pi r2  and a rectangle.  Rectangles have 2 dimensions (length and width)   one dimension of the rectangle will be the height of the cylinder.   The other will be the circumference of the circle( circumference= pi X diameter)  c= pi d.  Multiply the 2 dimensions to find the area of the rectangle.   Finally add the areas of the 2 circles and the rectangle to find the total surface area!
  • There will be a video posted dealing with this concept.
  • Use paper, pencil and calculator.  Staying organized is key in solving these problems.  Draw and label each part of the shape.  *Remember diameter is 2 times the radius.  

Posted: April 24, 2020

For today:

Define and/or give examples of the following mathematical terms.  Practice describing these terms to someone if possibleor make some flash cards.  You can use your textbook or search online.






common multiple

improper fraction

mixed number



Posted: April 24, 2020

Grade 8 Video: Circle Geometry : Pi, diameter, radius, circumference, area

Try the worksheet and/or the practice with the video.  Next week you'll need these concepts to find the total surface area of cylinders....

Watch the video first.  See the attched worksheet for some practice.  Formulas are at the top of the page.

PDF icon circle_review.pdf289.75 KB

Posted: April 23, 2020

Grade8 There is a review quiz on thatquiz waiting for you.  

Identifying and Plotting Points in 4 quadrants of coordinate grid.


Image Galleries

Added: Tue, May 12 2020


Added: Wed, May 23 2012


Electrostatic Virtual Experiment
The Digestive System