Grade 8: Total Surface area of CYLINDERS

Posted: April 27, 2020

Happy Monday!!

A few notes for review:

  • total surface area is the amount of surface on the outside of an object.  "What amount of material would it take to cover the object.  "
  • for TSA of Rectangular Prisms you can find the area of each rectangle(6 of them) and add them up
  • for TSA of Triangular Prisms you can find the area of the 3 rectangles and the two triangles and add them up 
  • radius of a circle is the distance from the center of the circle to the outside of the circle
  • diameter of a circle is the distance from one side of the circle through the center to the other side.  It's twice the radius.
  • circumference is the distance around the outside of the circle.
  • pi = 3.14 as an approximation
  • for a right cylinder you can find the area of the 2 circles (A = pi X r X r ) * usually written as A= pi r2  and a rectangle.  Rectangles have 2 dimensions (length and width)   one dimension of the rectangle will be the height of the cylinder.   The other will be the circumference of the circle( circumference= pi X diameter)  c= pi d.  Multiply the 2 dimensions to find the area of the rectangle.   Finally add the areas of the 2 circles and the rectangle to find the total surface area!
  • There will be a video posted dealing with this concept.
  • Use paper, pencil and calculator.  Staying organized is key in solving these problems.  Draw and label each part of the shape.  *Remember diameter is 2 times the radius.