
Posted: December 21, 2017

As the end of 2017 approaches, we would like to take the opportunity to wish everyone a happy and restful holiday season.  We would like to thank everyone for their ongoing support in all our school/educational activities.  Looking forward to many more fun and excititng activities in the new year.

EWG Staff and Students

Posted: December 20, 2017

Reminder to all parents that December 22nd will be a half day for students.  Buses will be leaving EWG 11:30am.

There will be no cafeteria service on that day.

Posted: November 27, 2017

EWG Food Services will be serving a "free" turkey dinner for all students  on Tues. Dec 19th. This is made possible due to the generous donations from Cartier Coop, Village of Rexton, Rexton Lions Club and Advance Savings Rexton. No other meal will be offered on that day. 

Friday, December 22nd will be a half day for students! 

Posted: November 22, 2017

Parent/Teacher on Thurs. Nov 23rd from 6-8pm and again Friday, Nov 24th 9-12pm. No school for student on Friday!

Posted: November 16, 2017

The Senate 150th Anniversary Medal commemorates the first time senators came to Ottawa to sit in Parliament, on November 6, 1867. The medals are being awarded to Canadians or permanent residents actively involved in their communities who, through generosity, dedication, volunteerism and hard work, make their hometowns, communities, regions, provinces or territories a better place to live.  Eleanor W. Graham Middle School teacher, Ms. Krista Betts was awarded this medal in front of her colleagues and students on Wednesday, Nov. 15th, 2017.

Posted: November 6, 2017

No school for students on Friday, Nov. 10th as staff takes part in Professional Learning sessions. Also, all schools are closed on Monday, November 13th in honour of Remembrance Day.

Posted: October 30, 2017

If you celebrate Halloween, please do so safely and respectfully!

Posted: October 24, 2017

Students will be dismissed early tomorrow for Professional Learning for staff.

Posted: October 3, 2017

 Your child should have brought home a form indicating what background you would like. Please try to have that filled out and sent back in for the photo session tomorrow!

Posted: September 29, 2017

EWG students and staff fully supported Every Child Matters Day. Over 70 students wore their orange shirts and the remaining students were given a sticker in recognition of Sept. 30th. The day ended with cake and a group picture!


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