Having access from home to your teachers, school email and data is important.
All students in Anglophone East School District have an Office 365 account. Office programs such as Work, Excel, PowerPoint are accessible online by signing in with your student username and password (example: HCPS12365@nbss.nbed.nb.ca, school password) to www.office.com
To download Office desktop programs to use on home devices please sign in to www.office.com Click on your account - round circle at the top right corner on www.office.com Click on “My Account” Click on “Install Office” This account will remain available while the student is a student within the Anglophone School District.
We’ve listened. Starting April 6, 2020 IT support services in your district, will be adding the following support options to our service catalog, to help you stay connected, and to help you maintain access to your school based digital resources.
Send a message using one of the methods below. Include your name, school name, grade number and the type of support you require. Ex: reset my password, I don’t remember my account or what is my email address and an IT support person will respond with help.
Txt: Send a txt message to 1-506-210-0127, IT staff will respond and help you get access to your account, password or electronic resources. Email: Use the District email address northstudents@nbed.nb.ca you can initiate a support call of your own. Teacher: If you already have a means of communicating with your classroom teacher, just ask, they can initiate support on your behalf.