Reporting and Learning, 6-8

Posted: November 8, 2020

Dear Parents and Guardians:

Please see the message below and the attached file for infromation on Term 1 report cards. Parent teacher interviews will be "virtual" for Term 1. Please take note of the following important dates:

  1. There will be no school for students on Friday, Nov 20. For teachers it will be 1/2 day report card prep, 1/2 day school based PL
  2. Wednesday, Dec 1 Report cards will be issued.
  3. Parent/teacher interviews will be on Thusday evening, Dec 3. and on Friday, Dec 4 until noon. Parent teacher interviews will be "virtual" and will be conducted by phone. A notice will be sent home this week with a time slot indicting the best time and number at which to reach out to you. Please be on the look-out for these notices.
Greg Theriault, Principal

Curriculum and Assessment:

The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD) worked with educators in the summer of 2020 to choose the most important outcomes for learning, knowing teaching would look different this year. Report cards will also reflect some change, with the fall report card going out at the usual time this year. Please see the attached “Reporting and Learning” document(s) and reach out to your child’s teacher or principal if you have any questions about the report card.


Social Emotional Learning/ Guidance and Mental Health:

Guidance counsellors are now able to connect with students and families using the secure platform of Microsoft Office Teams. Microsoft Teams opens the possibility for both video and audio connections with students who have an account. Please reach out to your school counsellor for more information.


In addition to what school guidance counsellors offer, the World of Wisdom platform provides students access to a certified career development practitioner from the New Brunswick Career Development Association (NBCDA). This service is available to virtually support students as they explore their preferred future.



Gail Craswell

Director of Curriculum & Instruction