Posted: January 7, 2022
Hello parents and guardians,
Happy new year! As you have likely heard, the province is shifting to "At-Home Learning" for the start of the 2022 portion of the schoolyear. Please see our "documents" tab for a message from the superintendent of ASDN, Mr. Mark Donovan, for more details, including the projected length of this type of learning. In addition to this, please take note of the following, as there are some changes from the last At-Home Learning period in the fall.
1. Beginning on Tuesday, January 11th, those students wishing to borrow school laptops will be allowed to pick them up at the the school starting at 9:00 am. Please contact the school at the numbers/emails listed below ASAP so that the technician can get one ready for them.
2. Parents wishing to have paper-based learning packets for their child, should also contact the school so that we may have one ready for you.
3. Students will be given access to the school starting on Monday, January 10th, to retrieve needed items from their lockers. Those students wanting new Accelerated Reader novels should return any books borrowed over the break and they will be allowed to sign out another book.
4. This block of At-Home Learning will attempt to follow your child's daily class schedule as closely as possible. Teachers will be giving online instruction at the beginning of each class, followed by independent practice/assignments. Students may email or message their teachers through Microsoft Teams. Teachers have been instructed to follow the school-day schedule, so there is no expectation that questions or concerns will be addressed outside of school hours. The specifics of online class scheduling will be developed over the weekend and will be posted by end-of-day Monday, January 10th. Stay tuned!
5. Student attendance will be tracked through participation online and/or completion of paper learning packets.
School Contacts:
main desk: 523-7970
School Website: