Message for Eagles and Families

Posted: April 1, 2020

Hello everyone! It is really great to able to reach out to you all during this strange and challenging time. We really do miss all of our students and hope that we can get together soon, but for now we all have to do our part and listen to our provincial leaders and STAY HOME and observe social distancing and other precautions when we absolutely must go out. You can do this, Eagles!
This message is to inform parents that plans are currently being developed to support Home Learning opportunities for our students. The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD) will be releasing details later this week that will give everyone a clearer picture on what Home Learning will look like for our children.
Following EECD’s announcement, we will begin the process of working with families to formalize Home Learning during the Covid-19 crisis. Please watch for additional Talk Mail messages and school website posts for the latest updates.
In preparing for home learning we are hoping to get a sense of our students’ online accessibility. We are asking parents whose children do not have internet access at home to reach out to me at 523-7971 or to our VP, Mr. Fletcher at 523-7972. We are exploring ways to reach out to those students through other means and this will help us to identify who they are.
Please remember that these measures are not intended to cause excessive stress to our school community, but to assist in supporting our student’s learning. Every home situation is different, so do what you can!
Take care of each other and stay safe!