Update from Mr. Wright

Posted: April 6, 2020

Hey Folks,  


I realize that this is a sad and strange way to end the year, but I want you to know that I’m right there with you in craving a return to normalcy. However, extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, so it’s our duty as citizens to keep ourselves and those around us safe and healthy. I, just like youam looking forward to the day that we’re all back together again and can have a good old discussion about all that’s taken place.  


For the time being though, my students in 6EN-2, 7EN-1, and 7/8 LFI can refer to the Language Arts tab for weekly assignments. There will be updates every day so check back often! Also, make sure that you visit the other tabs/teacher pages for your other subjects. As for my students in 6EN-2, you can expect a phone call to you and your guardians this week. If I can help in any way or if you just want to send me a message you can email me at jordan.wright@nbed.nb.ca, it’d be great to hear from you!  


From your teacher, 


Mr. Wright