Simulation for static Electricity

Posted: September 23, 2013

Rub the balloon on the sweater1.  What charge do the balloons, sweater and wall have at the beginning of the simulation?Rub the balloon on the sweater.  Select show charges2.  What happens to the negative charges when the balloon is rubbed on the sweater?3.  What charge does the sweater have now? 4.  What charge does the balloon have now?Bring the balloon close to the sweater.5.  What happens?  Explain why this happens.Bring the balloon close to the wall6.  What happens?  Explain why this happens.Reset the simulation.  Rub two balloons on the sweater.7.  What happens when the two balloons are near each other now?  Explain why. The negative charges are ___________.    The positive charges are ___________.  Can an object lose protons? When an object loses electrons it become __________ charged.When an object gains electrons it becomes __________ charged.